about this website

This website is the official artist website of Lynne Kouassi. All materials (images, videos, text, etc.) on this website are copyrighted and owned by Lynne Kouassi unless otherwise stated. Her artist portfolio may be downloaded, copied and distributed. However, you are not allowed to alter its content in any way or to use it for commercial purposes without the explicit permission of the artist.

about this domain is the official address of this website. The domain «» is registered to and owned by Lynne Kouassi.

website administration & design notice

This website is is powered by wordpress. It is hosted and maintained by Term7. Its minimal wordpress theme has been designed by Lynne Kouassi & Term7. The code makes use of open-source resources and has been written by Term7.

cookie notice

This website neither uses cookies, nor does it collect any of your personal data without your knowledge. All scripts are hosted locally. No external sources are in use.

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Lynne Kouassi